Calendar of Events - April, 2024

Evaluation of the Transnational Referral Mechanism of the Baltic Sea Region


In October 2022, CIVITTA LATVIJA started an evaluation of the Transnational Referral Mechanism of the Baltic Sea Region for the victims of trafficking in human beings. This evaluation is part of the project CAPE “Competence building, Assistance provision and Prosecution of labour Exploitation cases in the Baltic Sea region”.

The overall aim of the evaluation is to understand the situation and needs of professionals who assist foreign victims of trafficking in human beings, and the role of the Transnational Referral Mechanism of the Baltic Sea Region.

The evaluation will organise results according to five criteria:

  • Relevance – Is the referral mechanisms build according to the needs of professionals?
  • Effectiveness and efficiency – How effective the mechanism is?
  • Coherence – How does the mechanism correspond with national systems, international regulation, or other referral mechanisms?
  • Sustainability – How sustainable is the mechanisms?
  • Impact – Does the mechanism make any difference?

The evaluator uses a wide range of methods for the evaluation, such as desk-research, statistical analysis, websurvey (available here), focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews with professionals and experts. Geographically the evaluation explores the situation in the Baltic Sea Region countries - Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Norway and Sweden.

On a basis of the findings the CIVITTA LATVIJA will prepare a report and recommendations on the steps to improve the Transnational Referral Mechanism in the Baltic Sea Region. The report will be made public to anyone.

For more informations you may contact project coordinators Agnese Zile-Veisberga (